Early-start ratings will ONLY be published on the USTA Southwest Section website (www.southwest.usta.com).
* Please do not look for early-start ratings or appeal information through TennisLink as only year-end ratings are published there.
* You cannot appeal through "Find A Rating" for an early start rating.
* The early-start ratings are published in August for the sole purpose of establishing a rating for those players who plan to play during the 2014 USTA League season which may begin play as early as August 2013.
* The ratings apply ONLY to those individuals who are playing in EARLY START PROGRAMS and DO NOT apply to those players participating in leagues which begin play after January 1, 2014. It is important to note that this is not your final rating for the 2013 USTA League season.
* Year-end ratings will be published for all players in November.